Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 2, Episode 19 “Trojan Horse” (B+)

I love that this show is operating so effectively in multiple spheres right now, following three distinctly different plotlines and doing them all justice. The case of the week allowed Finch a less common opportunity to go undercover and pose, quite believably, as an IT expert doing regularly scheduled updates on computers at Monica’s work. Tracie Thoms, who was seen recently on “The Good Wife” and should be familiar to loyal viewers of “Cold Case” and “Wonderfalls,” had just the right energy to play Monica, who had to contend with a Mandarin-speaking duplicitous assistant and a murderous boss. The fact that Martin killed himself when he got a call from the man in charge is bad news, especially considering that their next target is the machine and the man who made it. Shaw’s return was just as cold as her previous appearance, but I think that, if anyone should be going after Root, it’s her, and I suspect that she’ll be back soon with a prisoner in tow and eager to get some answers both for her and for our dynamic duo. Fusco finally stepped up and helped prove to Carter that Beecher wasn’t a bad guy, but the results couldn’t have been more tragic. Beecher’s familial connection to Quinn explained his previously apparent allegiance to HR, and going to see Elias in jail cemented his status as a concerned innocent. The dramatic music that played when Carter heard about the distress call from Washington Heights and saw Beecher’s dead body enhanced an already emotional scene, and I think that this event may propel Carter to a much more aggressive take down on HR, hopefully with Fusco’s help.

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