Monday, April 29, 2013

What I’m Watching: Vegas

Vegas: Season 1, Episode 19 “Past Lives” (B-)

I enjoyed this episode somewhat because of the fatalistic nature of Harry’s situation, which prompted Jack to make what appeared to be the ultimate sacrifice for Mia, earning back the affection he had lost from her and cementing their status as the most complicated couple currently on this show. It was considerably more jarring to see Yvonne’s skin color brought up, since that’s something this show hasn’t dealt with at all up until this point, though I suppose that there is a requirement that Dixon’s plotlines be much more melodramatic than the rest of the show. A jailhouse wedding was peculiar, particularly because the usually stoic Ralph seemed so happy to be there. Getting the FBI cars towed was much more in character, and Burn had it coming for his aggressive approach to dealing with corruption. While the shooter won’t get away since Katherine saw her commit the act, the damage is done, and I think that Burn getting gunned down is going to serve to traumatize Katherine and make her think long and hard about how she wants to deal with the main threat in front of her, which is Vincent. He’s proven to be capable time and time again of dealing with internal problems, like Gainsley in this hour, and it’s always so interesting to see him interact with Ralph when he doesn’t have something sinister up his sleeve. If only this show could focus more on that dynamic and stay away from some of the less compelling material it’s dealt with recently.

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