Thursday, May 2, 2013

Round Two: Rectify

Rectify: Season 1, Episode 3 “Modern Times” (B+)

I’m not sure that this is a show that I thoroughly enjoy watching just yet, but it’s hard to deny that it’s intriguing and well-done. Watching Daniel explore the simple pleasures of life and then go crazy after seeing prison photos was mesmerizing, and it’s impressive that this show devoted at least ten minutes over the course of the episode to Daniel alone by himself at the house getting to know the world again. His eagerness to take Jared up on his offer to join him was touching, and seeing him skateboarding and then at home playing video games was haunting. I always perk up at the use of a score from another film or television show, and I immediately recognized the unsettling theme from last year’s “Compliance” that very effectively played over that final scene. Jared’s threatening texts are worrisome, though Amantha seems entirely unconcerned. After Daniel’s disturbing story last episode, Amantha got the chance to tell this week’s gruesome tale, which involved her friend keying her in to the awful tradition started by people in the town that came at the expense of her brother. Senator Foulkes is showing himself to be rigorous in his efforts to ensure that anyone who knows Daniel is fiercely aware of his guilt, while Jon is doing his best to hold the fort for the defense. It’s great to see Hal Holbrook, who, in his late 80s, continues to be a tour de force, going on about how everyone plays his part and making quite an impression.

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