Thursday, May 2, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Big C (Season Premiere)

The Big C: Season 4, Episode 1 “Quality of Life” (B+)

I’m very happy to have this underrated show, something people seemed to have loved initially and then abandoned when it only got better in seasons two and three, back for its final year. The plan was always for Cathy to survive one year and have each season showcase one season, for a total of four. Grouping the final season into four one-hour installments gives the show an added weight, and I definitely feel that it’s more of a drama than a comedy at this point. Cathy’s locked-door quitting announcement was extremely moving, as was her going to the storage locker to open up all the future gifts she got him. Most powerful, however, were the breakdowns, in different forms, of two characters we had previously seen to be relatively strong-willed and, frankly, quite obnoxious. Adam tearing up when Cathy told him that the chemo wouldn’t work and that she wanted to stop it was heart-wrenching, and the sight of Dr. Sherman sitting next to Cathy during chemo after he was horribly rude to her during the appointment was cathartic, and, in a way, refreshing. Andrea stepping up to the plate to help Cathy after her accident was a great way of reaffirming their relationship, and it’s good that she won’t have to suffer in the dorms anymore. Paul’s head is clearly elsewhere, and, though she may have deserved it, Cathy’s takedown of his peppy assistant was rather cruel. I love how Sean refuses to stop commenting on everything he’s doing with Cathy, like driving a car, using a bouncy house, and eating meat. This season is going to be difficult to get through emotionally, but I think it’s going to be well worth it if this first quarter is any indication.

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