Friday, May 3, 2013

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 2, Episode 23 “Virgins” (B-)

I’m not too keen on the idea of an episode which takes place mostly in the past but is grounded by present-day responses to those memories. In this case, it wasn’t all that exciting mainly because nothing was so spectacular from it, save for the brief notion of the guys being in the bar at the same time as Jess and Cece when Jess finally lost her virginity. What it’s all really about is the end of the episode. Interestingly, everyone seems to be happy. If anything, Cece and Shivrang, who have actually been doing well lately, are the least certain of how they feel about each other, and I do hope that Cece doesn’t run out of the wedding, unless it’s to go be with Schmidt. He seems to be properly romancing Elizabeth, however, and so I wouldn’t even wish that on the new couple. Winston has found a true winner in the rarely seen Daisy, and I also enjoyed that Winston’s story provided what I found to be the most effective use of Dennis Farina as Walt yet. Watching him bond with a young Nick and get excited about the many illegal things they were doing, namely his reaction to Nick’s declaration of affection for alcohol, was fun. Nothing compares, of course, to the sight of Nick walking up to the elevator and picking Jess up to carry her back to the apartment for the moment that we’ve all been anticipating for some time now. Their nervous giggling at the end of the episode was, I’d say, the best way to summarize what’s coming next: lots of awkwardness and lots of questions.

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