Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What I’m Watching: Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones: Season 3, Episode 6 “The Climb” (B+)

This was an episode full of momentous interactions, which included some poignant moments for some of the show’s best characters. It was so interesting to watch Arya react suspiciously to the presence of Melisandre, who immediately swooped in and cast her spell over the brotherhood, prompting Arya to speak her distrust of the sorceress and to be told in response that she is full of darkness. I see great things in Arya’s future, while Melisandre’s reign can’t last forever. In regal developments, it was awkward to see Tyrion come to see Sansa to tell her of their impending marriage with a clueless Shae in the room. Olenna held her own in verbal battle with Tywin, and they both managed to insult their children incredibly while arguing over which family was getting the worse end of the deal. Jon’s climb was formidable, and he earned his stripes by saving Ygritte after she was nearly cut loose and sent to a freezing, awful death. She did threaten him quite forcefully with castration earlier on, but it’s clear that their affection transcends the deception with which Jon initially entered into her world. Their climb was well worth it visually, and it’s rare to see time stop in this show’s universe to marvel at pure visual beauty. Jaime defending Brienne is a good time, and I suspect they’ll have an impressive escape planned in no time thanks to the latest news that Jaime might now be getting away clean while Brienne pays the price for her role in trying to bring him back to King’s Landing.

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