Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What I’m Watching: Orphan Black

Orphan Black: Season 1, Episode 6 “Variations Under Domestication” (B+)

In an episode that brought out all the threats and them converge in one clone-filled location, Sarah finally got to move up in the ranks of the clones and surpass Alison, who took on the role of the least put-together version, suffering an absolute breakdown that made her seem both insane and pathetic. Knocking out and tying up her husband was extreme, and it’s hard to believe that he decided to apologize to her at the end of the episode for the affair he had rather than hold her accountable for a brutal, unprovoked action on her part, which I suppose speaks volumes about their relationship. Paul proved to be more dangerous than it initially seemed, while Vic can’t be bothered to stop showing up and blatantly messing everything up without even trying to be subtle. He’s going to keep paying for it with his limbs, which are growing less and less unharmed by the moment. I enjoyed seeing Eric Johnson, who used to play Clark’s nemesis Whitney on the first season of “Smallville,” as a husband far too excited by the presence of a gay bartender, and I do like seeing Felix show up in Alison’s world. I love that Sarah telling Cosima to stay away from her new friend prompted her to get closer to her out of spite, and her interest in this neolution business is almost as intriguing as the confirmed fact that her new pal is in fact out to get her, which should prove both gripping and heartbreaking for the well-meaning scientist.

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