Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What I’m Watching: Vegas

Vegas: Season 1, Episode 20 “Unfinished Business” (B)

This was the best episode in a while of this show, though it wasn’t without its shortcomings. Death is awfully rare on this show, as multiple characters are sent straight towards death and come out with little more than minor injuries. Byrne is one example, and Katherine managed to survive her hell of a car crash despite things looking quite grim. On the more positive side, I like how this episode moved the story forward, putting both Vincent and Ralph on the defensive and ready to plot together for revenge. I don’t buy the fact that Ralph was suspended because a criminal made it seem as if he was cooperating with his known nemesis Vincent, and that he didn’t get a chance to defend himself. That it pushed him to seek out Vincent and forge an alliance, complete with a hefty amount of his alcohol, is considerably more exciting, and I’m eager to see what comes of this temporary partnership in what is all but guaranteed to be this show’s final hour. It didn’t take Vincent long to realize who bugged his phone, and it’s hard to imagine that Mia is going to let her romance with Jack go on any longer given their differences. Tommy kissing her is almost inconsequential because he’s not her type either, and I think she’s too attached to the idea of Jack that she won’t be able to let go so easily. On the guest star front, I was pleased to see Christopher Heyerdahl as Ralph’s brother-in-law Calvin, and I was shocked to learn after hearing him speak that he doesn’t actually have the thick accent that he has used on “Hell on Wheels” and “True Blood.” I was also amused to discover that the incapacitated Victor Ferris was none other than Larry Henkin, best remembered as Mr. Heckles from “Friends.”

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