Friday, May 24, 2013

What I’m Watching: Rectify (Season Finale)

Rectify: Season 1, Episode 6 “Jacob’s Ladder” (B+)

That scene that I’ve been seeing displayed on the advertisement I walk by every time I take the 7 train from Grand Central finally happened, and it was about as powerful as I had expected. After an episode which found Daniel actually making some good connections, he got himself beaten up and ended up in an ambulance on the way to the hospital as show goes on hiatus until next season. Being urinated on was surely humiliating, but I think the fact that people wanted to hurt him is probably bad enough for the kindhearted Daniel. I think the most effective part of this show is when it flashes back to prison when Daniel is communicating with those in neighboring cells. His rhyming game with his friendly neighbor was great, interrupted of course by the block’s less friendly resident, and that made Daniel’s friend’s walk to his execution all the more emotional. Daniel’s reaction to Jon answering Amantha’s door was fascinating, and I love that the relationship between the very spirited Amantha and Daniel continues to be strong, and was renewed thanks to their bonding trip and Daniel’s apology in this episode. Daniel won’t have an easy future ahead, but I think this show’s second season should prove compelling, especially if we see plenty of the show’s two best characters, Amantha and Tawney, who got a passive ending in this episode when she received Daniel’s appreciate voicemail, spared the knowledge, at least now, of his fate. I’m looking forward to seeing where this intriguing show goes in season two.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Abigail Spencer as Amantha

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