Friday, May 24, 2013

What I’m Watching: Revolution

Revolution: Season 1, Episode 18 “Clue” (F)

After watching Miles rush off to some random place every time something minor has happened in this show’s post-apocalyptic future, I don’t buy for a second that he would let the one person in the world that he likes, Nora, rot in captivity for weeks. It’s not as if Monroe had her well-hidden either, since he’s far from subtle, and with Tom and Charlie around, it’s impossible that no one would have thought to storm into Philadelphia and demand her return. The fact that Nora gave up information doesn’t seem to have affected any of our heroes, of course, and in fact it was another traitor altogether who caused most of this episode’s deaths, only one of which actually mattered. Jim does seem like the type of man who would do anything to protect his wife, but you’d think that he would have confided in Miles and tried to figure out a way to rescue his wife before this team officially decided that their unintelligent suicide missions that they all always seem to survive weren’t going to be happening anymore. I was amused by Miles’ decision to play a game of charades with the dying pilot, guessing what he was saying and imposing on him to shake his head vigorously rather than seek a more direct way of gleaning information from him. For a moment, I saw a glimpse of the show I want this to be as the helicopter was about to take off and great music was playing, but then it was over. If only Rachel’s grenade would actually detonate, and this show could finally become exciting and worthwhile. There’s no way that’s how it goes down.

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