Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Killing

The Killing: Season 3, Episode 3 “Seventeen” (B+)

As this show launches deeper into its new mystery, the part I’m enjoying most is the partnership between Holder and Carl. Holder and Linden were always an odd pair, but their dynamic, particularly the “Dial 1-900-LINDEN” bit, was surprisingly endearing. Carl, played by the always terrific Gregg Henry, is a fantastic foil for Holder, able to play a creep convincingly while still helping to push the investigation along and show himself to be reasonably interested in getting to the truth and serving justice. Holder’s rapport with his new CI needs work, of course, as Bullet doesn’t seem keen to the idea of working with the lawman who just wants to help her find her friend. Things are looking increasingly grim for Kallie, and it’s difficult to watch Danette discuss her situation with such detachment and cruelty. For Linden to call someone else the mother of the year is really saying something. Linden is burrowing herself back into police work, and finding out that Adrian just wants to see her father is an intriguing development. I was very concerned about what the continually terrifying Seward was going to do to Becker, especially after his disturbing story, and injuring himself severely in the neck is still plenty unsettling. The slow burn still exists in a major way on this show, and I hope that it won’t take nearly as long as it did in the first two seasons for the plot to unfurl as it heads in what might be its most simultaneously appealing and unnerving direction yet.

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