Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What I’m Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 6, Episode 11 “Favors” (B+)

It’s so interesting how something that begins as a favor for Don’s friend Dr. Rosen quickly turns into a grand romantic gesture that reunites him with his mistress Sylvia. It’s rare to see Don get so passionate about something and actually devote energy to trying to get it accomplished. His position paved the way for Ted to burst into his office and actually speak his mind, something that occurs almost as rarely as Don asking for something, and to leave with the upper hand. Throwing Sally into the mix and having her catch Don with Sylvia after her initial attraction to Sylvia’s son was an enormous opportunity for Sally to see what her father is really like, and to see Don caught in a situation he knows he simply can’t talk his way out of, with Megan clueless as usual. One of the early scenes of the episode presented an unexpected reunion between Peggy and Pete after Pete’s mother visited the office, and a potent moment of jealousy from Ted as he saw the two of them laughing together. It’s strange to remember how they first interacted at the beginning of the show, and to see where they are now. I guess Bob’s relationship with Joan isn’t entirely genuine, and it’s difficult to imagine that, whatever feelings he might possess, Pete would ever think of engaging in a romance with Bob. This show is full of drama, and this office really is a revolving door of sexual encounters and mistakes.

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