Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What I’m Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 6, Episode 12 “The Quality of Mercy” (B+)

This was a very involving episode, but it doesn’t feel like there’s just one installment left before the end of the season. Ted and Peggy running around giggling with each other was an incredibly obvious expression of the affair they both decided at different points that they couldn’t have, and it was difficult to watch them both react with dismay at Don’s effortless takedown of their short-lived romance. Sending an updated budget to St. Joseph’s during their casting process and then invoking Frank’s name to get them to calm down was cruel on Don’s part, and while there’s no debating his effectiveness, his humanity is much less certain. That’s doubly true when it comes to going with Sunkist over Ocean Spray despite his promise to Ted. Ken wanting to give up Chevy is no surprise, and Pete makes sense as a successor. Pete’s reaction to learning from Duck that Bob is just like Don was startling, and it’s intriguing to see how he ultimately handled the situation. I liked Bob well enough when he was a coffee-getting nice guy, but I suppose everyone deserves a little mystery in their back story. Sally’s decision to go to boarding school to get away from both her parents isn’t a shock, and what an impression she made on her first night. Betty giving Sally a cigarette so that she wouldn’t do it behind her back was one kind of parenting tactic, and I’m sure Sally will have plenty of misadventures away from home in the near future.

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