Thursday, June 20, 2013

What I’m Watching: Veep

Veep: Season 2, Episode 9 “Running” (B+)

There are a few things more startling than physically walking through a glass door, and, as confirmed by the reactions of her staff members, Selina didn’t come out of it looking good at all. Mike’s go-to excuse of her being on a call with the Australian ambassador was far from convincing, and telling the truth later wasn’t exactly a winning strategy. Dan getting a call from Selina to put together a hip playlist to rival the one that Dan himself quite backstabbingly put together for Chung was worrisome, and it was even more problematic for Amy and Dan to run into each other at a Chung event, indicating that Selina’s two most intelligent advisers are both thinking of jumping ship and latching on to the same enemy of their current boss. I think that Kevin Dunn continues to be the guest star of the season as Ben, consistently devastated by every situation and eager to take his fury out on Jonah, which is never a bad thing. Talking in double negatives with Sue was a great added bonus this episode as well, a rare and unlikely brief interaction that paid off. Selina’s medication-induced aura was bound to have repercussions, but it was fun to see her excitedly offer to buy Mike’s boat and then request an invitation to Gary’s parents’ anniversary party. That kindness, of course, made her brutal and cruel takedowns of both of them, particularly Gary, at the end of the episode, all the more awkward and miserable for the receiving party.

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