Monday, June 24, 2013

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains

Royal Pains: Season 5, Episode 2 “Blythe Spirits” (B)

This wasn’t a great episode, but I suppose it wasn’t that bad either. I never like when shows that aren’t supernatural in nature attempt to insert a character’s suspicion of the existence of a ghost or similar entity into the episode, which affects the tone drastically and can’t possibly end in a satisfying manner. In this case, it would have been good to see the very much alive Boris actually be in the house, but the fact that he isn’t a regular cast member anymore probably means that he won’t be stopping by anytime soon. Boris and Dmitry being half-brothers is rather intriguing, though that whole storyline tends to take such a backseat to everything else that it’s not wholly relevant. Divya lashing out at Paige for trying to be a friend was harsh, and I do wonder what, if anything, will happen in Savannah, since Divya still has little to no clue about how Jeremiah feels about her. Paige’s idea to throw a big party to get all of the neighbors to like them was smart, and I’m worried about Evan’s consistent inability to believe in his wife and her ability to solve problems just as well as he can. Blythe will likely continue to be a problem for Evan, but it looks like HankMed will have a new offer to consider that might make all that moot. I think HankMed would be extremely different under new management, but that their prospective buyer is sure to make a big impact on their business whether or not they succeed in acquiring them.

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