Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 7, Episode 3 “Down Range” (B+)

Michael isn’t going to get out of this deep-cover operation anytime soon, and it’s doubly disconcerting because he, Sam, and Jesse aren’t even trying to hide who they are, using their real names and their pasts to convince Burke that they’re on his side. The problem, of course, is that he’s being far from straight with them, taking out a powerful would-be ally and then revealing to everyone’s shock that he’s actually working for someone else rather than serving as the head honcho in charge. That didn’t work out so well for the latest big TV name to guest star on this show, Ricardo Chavira of “Desperate Housewives” fame, whose Sorrano just found himself to be Burke’s hostage after Michael made it look like Sorrano had to be the one who had ordered the team of snipers. Michael stepping in front of the window to force the CIA to shoot at him was a risky move, and a sign that he’s willing to do just about anything to get this mission accomplished. Back in Miami, Madeleine managed to get the upper hand with her latest enemy, which is good considering how much she’s been manipulated into revealing things she’s not supposed to recently. Madeleine deserves a bit of happiness with Charlie now that Nate is gone and Michael is out of the picture, and Fiona not talking to Michael should help ensure that she has plenty of time to keep an eye on his mother and make sure she stays relatively far from trouble.

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