Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What I’m Watching: Wilfred (Season Premiere)

Wilfred: Season 3, Episodes 1 and 2 “Uncertainty” and “Comfort” (B+)

It’s great to have this truly unique show back, especially with two installments a night for the next two weeks. I like that these two episodes both had different focuses, one on the continued question of whether Ryan is actually insane and the other on Wilfred’s inability to comprehend certain facts of life. Two familiar comedic faces were on hand to interact with Ryan, with Angela Kinsey of “The Office” in the first installment as Wilfred’s clone’s caretaker and Zachary Knighton from “Happy Endings” as Ryan’s new mailman friend. As usual, we didn’t get any definitive answers about whether or not Wilfred is all in Ryan’s head. It was inevitable that Wilfred would do something ridiculous like find religion when he discovered that death isn’t something temporary. Inviting Jenna and Drew to join Ryan at the bar while he was having drinks with Bill was just the kind of Ryan-destructive behavior that makes Wilfred who he is, and it’s a good thing that Ryan managed to come out of it okay with a relatively uneventful and therapeutic bonding moment with Jenna towards the end of the episode. With Amanda gone, and with such melancholy memories of her, it’s time that Ryan found someone else to focus on romantically so that he can get Wilfred out of his head for a bit. Friends like Bill won’t cut it, but I suspect both Ryan and Wilfred are in for plenty of misadventures in the coming weeks as this show airs its third round of thirteen episodes.

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