Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What I’m Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 6, Episode 2 “The Sun” (B+)

It wasn’t clear from last week’s premiere where this season would be headed, but this second installment offers clear evidence that it’s going to be terrific. The fact that the Louisiana government has developed bullets that can actually injure vampires and contact lenses that prevent glamoring is fearsome and fantastic. Bill being a prophet of the future may be a bit much, but that brief glimpse of our favorite vampires being held in a chamber and then exposed to sunlight was well worth all of his Lilith-related daydreams. Bill is otherwise in a bad place, as demonstrated by his disgusting blood draining ritual that cost the poor human prostitute her life. While Warlow still remains a formidable threat, it’s a relief to learn that Rutger Hauer isn’t actually him, and is instead someone with great power looking out for the best interests of the Stackhouse family. I’m not sure what to make of Sookie’s new friend Ben, but it was amusing to see her try to walk away from him and avoid yet another saga of supernatural drama. Hippies from around the country seeking to help shifters and werewolves expose themselves should prove both interesting and detrimental, though that does explain how both Sam and Alcide will continue to remain involved in the storyline. Jessica’s prayer was an emotional but unusual (for this show) way to bookend the episode’s events, and it’s a sign that intense things are to soon to come which will have inescapable repercussions for all of our favorite characters.

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