Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What I’m Watching: Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad: Season 5, Episode 10 “Buried” (B+)

I wasn’t blown away by this show’s still-great premiere last week, but this episode reaffirmed the fact that this is going to be a brutal and wholly worthwhile journey until this show signs off for good. It’s reasonable that both Hank and Walt would immediately call Skyler, and, unlike Walt, she completely shut down as soon as Hank started talking to her about it. Of course, he has no idea that she’s actually quite complicit in his illegal actions, and that she really does need a lawyer. Saul predictably freaked out but also handled the extraction of Walt’s money from the locker smoothly, and I like that Walt got a lottery ticket to remember the coordinates of where he buried the money. Marie’s reaction to the whole situation was the most jarring, and to see her try to take Skyler’s baby away was difficult. Convincing Hank to share his as-of-yet unconfirmed suspicions with the DEA is worrisome, but it’s far more complicated than that. The look on Hank’s face when he heard Jesse’s name said it all, and ending the episode with him walking in to the room rather than saying anything to Jesse was extremely effective. I don’t know what Hank’s endgame will end up being, if he even knows already, but I know it’s going to a tense, tempestuous trajectory. Lydia taking out her new cooks with Todd’s help was an awesome extra piece of the puzzle, and I can’t wait to see how it all turns out.

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