Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What I’m Watching: True Blood (Season Finale)

True Blood: Season 6, Episode 10 “Radioactive” (B-)

After an action-packed disaster like last week’s episode, it’s hard to expect the finale to include just as much in the way of momentous developments. That said, there’s still plenty that occurred and some very important changes that will affect next season. This episode was mainly about the fact that, all of a sudden, Warlow turned back into a villain because Sookie decided that she might want to slow things down a bit. It’s not such a far-fetched twist, but the way his entire plotline played out, with Niall jumping back in from another dimension to help save the day, was inconsistent and unsatisfying. The six-month jump was necessary since it explained away several illogical events surmised to have occurred in the interim, namely Sam becoming a public figure and being elected mayor, Bill writing a book in mere minutes and getting on the bestseller list, and Bon Temps returning to its Christian roots to unite its people to become feeding partners for vampire protectors. The final scene really did remind of “The Walking Dead,” and I’m not sure that vampire-on-human war is quite as exciting as human-on-vampire war. Tara’s mom offering to feed her verged on disgusting, while Jessica agreeing to protect Andy and his daughter was sweet. I guess Alcide’s back from his plotline to resume his relationship with Sookie, and, if she’s going to have to date a “super” of some sort, better a werewolf than a vampire. There’s also no way that Eric could be dead after simply bursting into flames following his nude sunbathing atop a mountain in Sweden, so that will have to be explained away somehow. This shortened season was intriguing from the start but got lost along the way, and let’s hope next season can reboot things back to a good place.

Season grade: B-
Season MVP: Deborah Ann Woll as Jessica

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