Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What I’m Watching: Dexter

Dexter: Season 8, Episode 8 “Are We There Yet?” (B+)

I wasn’t as sure last week, but now I’m convinced that it’s absolutely wonderful to have Hannah back on this show. To see how Dexter looks at her and speaks to her, expressing complete honesty in every moment and functioning on the same moral plane, is intoxicating. Deb tailing Dexter to the Keys seemed like a situation ready to explode, but, as soon as Dexter walked in to find Deb and Hannah talking, things turned around. It’s very true that Deb and Hannah both care about Dexter, and they now realize that they have to live with each other if they want him to be happy. This episode almost turned into a comedy, but in the best way, as Zach rode in the backseat with Dexter and Hannah and asked “Are we there yet?” Watching Dexter and Hannah coach Zach in how to kill responsibly was terrific, and to learn that Zach was actually following the code without knowing it was inspiring. Unfortunately, that comedic middle, highlighted by the family dinner at Vogel’s house, was shattered by the startling sight of a de-brained Zach in Dexter’s living room. Asking Hannah to stay in Miami is only natural, but now Elway is going to be gunning for her, and Dexter has to worry about the Brain Surgeon coming for him or for Hannah since it’s now been revealed that the killer is still very much alive and operational. I’m very interested to know who the Brain Surgeon is, but, for the moment, I think this episode reached a positive peak in terms of chronicling Dexter’s growth as a person and as a teacher.

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