Sunday, August 4, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Bridge

The Bridge: Season 1, Episode 4 “Maria of the Desert” (B+)

What’s good about this show is that it’s undeniably violent but far from hopeless. Both Sonya and Marco pressed on with extreme determination to find Maria when everyone else thought that there was no hope, and they managed to get to her before her time was up. Marco being intimidated into taking money was troubling, mainly because he is such a pure and honest cop, despite his recent extramarital indiscretion, and to see him forced to accept corrupt cash suggests that he’s soon going to come under serious scrutiny. Sonya and Marco finding Daniel hung over after a one-night stand only served to affirm his reputation as a horrible human being, and he seems intent on listening to the killer’s every instruction while subverting and dodging the police at every possible turn. The killer asking for the names of the FBI agents making the drop was beyond troubling, and seeing the video of Gedman with Cristina Fuentes indicates that this whole thing is much larger than just one unsolved murder. It’s difficult to determine whether Charlotte is going to have more trouble managing the newly reopened tunnel or her relationship with her evil stepdaughter. Kate telling Charlotte that the Mexican found Marco’s wallet in the guest bedroom was vicious, and I’m sure that she’ll be sticking around to make Charlotte’s life as miserable as possible. I’m hopeful that Charlotte will soon embrace her new unintentional role in supervising the tunnel, and I look forward to seeing her try to take the reins of her situation back from other parties.

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