Monday, August 5, 2013

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 7, Episode 8 “Nature of the Beast” (B)

I understand that James is the one at the top of the food chain, and, based on what we learned about him at the end of the episode, he does seem like a formidable enemy, infinitely more dangerous than Simon. But I do think that, at least recently, dedicated soldier Sonya was a more interesting and compelling piece of the puzzle, so to see her completely ignored for an entire episode after Burke went to such sacrificial lengths to save her is disappointing. Michael did still manage to pull off a cool caper, posing as his prisoner to get close enough to his enemies to physically stop them from blowing him and Sam to pieces. I’m not sure I’ve said it before, but I love that Sam’s eternal alias is Chuck Finley, no matter what the situation. Fiona and Jesse also provided ample support to an unusually accommodating and understanding Strong, and Jesse in particular deserves commendation for his impressive work under pressure. I immediately recognized Michael Reilly Burke, who this past season played the D.A., also known as the Avocado, on “Vegas,” as the criminally insane man terrified about James finding him, and Peter Mensah, who played Authority member Kibwe on “True Blood,” was the kingpin Michael delivered to James. It was hardly the focal point of the episode, but when your current boyfriend calls your ex-boyfriend’s mother to check up on you, you know it’s a bad sign. I think Fiona and Michael will ultimately end up together, but we still have five episodes left to see who even makes it through alive.

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