Sunday, August 11, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Bridge

The Bridge: Season 1, Episode 5 “The Beast” (B+)

It’s great to see Sonya and Marco getting closer together as a result of some unknowing missteps on Sonya’s part, actions she does not comprehend or regret yet still serve as excellent bonding moments. Stopping by Marco’s home on a Sunday night because she couldn’t reach him was a fantastic start, and not eating the food because she said it didn’t taste good was unsurprising but especially entertaining because of how Marco’s daughter tried to get out of finishing her own portion. Giving Marco his wallet back in front of Alma was ill-advised, and she didn’t waste any time in kicking her out. I like that the show is interested in being omniscient, continuing to follow Alma and Gus’ interactions even without Marco front and center. Charlotte was ready to move on right away too after Marco indicated to her that their affair wouldn’t continue, and her boy toy, played by Brian Van Holt, is sure to get her into plenty of trouble. The always creepy Linder is also heading down a dangerous path, though I suspect his suspicious mannerisms will end up saving rather than dooming him. Marco stealing Daniel’s phone was bold but effective, and having Sonya talk directly to the killer while Marco negotiates for Maria to get asylum is probably in everyone’s best interests. Gina is now fully immersed in show’s storyline, and after two brushes with mortal danger, she may finally be safe after seeing her father killed and catching a glimpse of the Beast’s face.

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