Monday, August 12, 2013

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 7, Episode 9 “Bitter Pill” (B)

This episode was perfectly decent, but hardly what one might expect so close to the end of this show’s run, with considerably more intrigue that could have potentially been offered. James bringing everyone together in a mysterious and sinister fashion to give them an assignment didn’t ultimately deliver since their mission was rather normal and by-the-book. Like last week’s installment, the singular point of this episode was made in its closing moments, as Michael didn’t step in to defend Snyder as much as he could have, leading James to shoot him in the head for leaving Fiona behind. Actor David Meunier is always great, seen last season in recurring roles on both “Justified” and “Revolution” and last week as Agent Gedman on “The Bridge.” Seeing Snyder in the field was disconcerting mostly because he first seemed too casual and unprepared and then switched gears entirely to withhold the antidote from the man who gave it to him just for the sake of letting him die. James coming to see Madeleine in her home was jarring, and that’s a level of commitment to the overall endgame that no overseeing adversary of Michael’s has managed yet, even taking Anson and Card into account. There’s still been so sign of Sonya since she introduced Michael to James, and it would be nice for her to show up and suddenly realize that, strong as her beliefs may be, she’s on the wrong side of this whole thing. I thought that Fiona was going to die in this hour, and while I’m glad it didn’t happen, I do hope that something big occur in advance of the show’s series finale in just four short weeks.

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