Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What I’m Watching: Dexter

Dexter: Season 8, Episode 6 “A Little Reflection” (B+)

Things are getting back on track now as this episode got away from Vogel playing therapist to the Morgan siblings and launched a few new and important threads. Most significant is the fact that Dexter might now have an apprentice, something he tried to do several seasons back with an ultimately suicidal candidate and then recreated in temporary form with less success due to differences in the ethics of killing with Lumen and Hannah. Dexter’s initial resistance to Vogel’s suggestion of teaching Zach the code made his eventual decision to offer him a new chance at life and more controlled killing all the more impactful. Dexter’s preoccupation with Zach, however, is going to mean that the relationship Jamie wants so desperately to create for him with Cassie won’t ever come to fruition, but they didn’t seem to be hitting it off anyway. That’s probably for the best because of the character that unexpectedly showed up at the end of the episode. I and most other viewers have known this whole season that Hannah would be back, something I was very much anticipating, and to have her return in the middle of a rare moment of calm and peace for Dexter and Deb was brilliant. I can’t wait to find out what she wants now that she’s back. If she still has it out for Deb, I imagine Jacob will come looking for her to make sure that she’s okay and get himself into trouble. Let’s hope Masuka didn’t ruin his new relationship with his daughter permanently, and that Quinn and Batista can survive their professional differences.

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