Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What I’m Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 6, Episode 8 “Dead Meat” (B-)

It’s strange to see Sookie preparing to make an enormous life decision regarding eternal betrothal to a fairy vampire, which might well save the entire vampire race, when she’s been so peripheral to the plotline for such a long time now. She and Bill were originally the show’s main characters, and what Bill is isn’t even close to the main thing being featured at this point. What’s more intriguing is the relationship between Eric and Bill, something that has always been tempestuous but has never quite reached these limits. Let’s hope that even while he is hurt and in morning, Eric will think of his people above all else and not simply on preventing Bill from doing what he wants to do. The reminder that Niall is still missing once again brings up the unknown true intentions of Warlow, and just how odd and inconsistent his whole plotline has really been. Back at the facility, of course, events are getting dangerously close to what Bill saw in his vision, and the way in which everyone got there was well-executed. Sarah has become a fearsome and deadly force without her late boyfriend to keep her in check, and, while it’s always good to see Anna Camp going nuts, I did feel that her thriller chase scene which ended with her killing Suzuki with a high heel was, for lack of a better word, campy, and not in a great way. This show needs to figure out where it wants to go, and reigning in subplots like the aftermath of Terry’s death and Alcide’s place in the world would help a lot.

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