Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Killing (Season Finale)

The Killing: Season 3, Episodes 11 and 12 “From Up Here” and “The Road to Hamelin” (B)

It’s weird to have an hour that’s so completely focused on a character who, up until this point, hasn’t been very relevant to the story. It’s stranger still not to have either of the season’s standout characters, Seward or Bullet, present since both of them are now officially deceased after valiant efforts to preserve their lives. It’s hard to argue that this episode wasn’t well-executed, particularly the moment that Sarah realized that Skinner was the killer when she saw his daughter’s jewelry, but that doesn’t mean its twist is logical. To the show’s credit, Skinner didn’t turn into some deranged, violent monster who all of a sudden couldn’t control himself. Instead, he was the same reserved, subdued person he’s always been, just confessing to inner thoughts that he’s never before had the opportunity to share. I have a hard time believing that this character could really be the killer, especially since there were no signs of any kind to indicate it throughout this season. It was possible to construe that Becker, on the other hand, could have been the culprit, but to suggest that a peripheral personality like Skinner who was supervising the case did it is difficult to swallow. It did make for an unsettling conversation about having slept with Linden, and made her episode-ending decision to shoot him dead all the more powerful. What I liked most about this episode was how Holder got out of his detainment by inciting Carl’s wrath, and their relationship was this season’s strongest point aside from everything involving Seward. I don’t know whether a fourth season is in the cards, but this has been the show’s most even year so far, so I wouldn’t mind seeing more.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Peter Sarsgaard as Seward

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