Sunday, October 20, 2013

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 3, Episode 4 “Reasonable Doubt” (B+)

I’m consistently impressed with the guest stars that this show manages to get, and though her role here wasn’t nearly as exciting as the one I know her from, I was excited to see Kathleen Rose Perkins from “Episodes” as this week’s number. Paul Ben-Victor, fresh off a recurring stint as a big movie producer on “Vegas,” fit right in as the latest corrupt cop in the NYPD, though, for once, not affiliated with HR. My suspicion that Carter’s new partner is working for HR was unfortunately confirmed, and that’s very problematic considering the fact that him being a threat isn’t on her radar at all. What I liked about this episode is that it really was a rollercoaster ride, with Vanessa initially seeming guilty, particularly after knocking out the counsel she had requested, and then shifted gears entirely to seem like the victim. Changing things completely with less than ten minutes left in the episode was great, and ending on two gunshots heard but not seen was a memorable and haunting way to leave these very awful people. Shaw’s distaste for most things feminine is really being milked, and her presence at the book club was quite entertaining. What we didn’t have in this episode was any of Root, but I’m sure there will be plenty of time for that given that this show is only four episodes into the season, and it’s already headed in such a fascinating direction, fully on in its mythology and its featured storylines each week.

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