Sunday, October 20, 2013

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy: Season 6, Episode 6 “Salvage” (B+)

In the aftermath of last week’s ground-shaking conclusion, it seemed all but certain that this episode was going to be full of violence. While we did see that to an extent, this was actually among the calmest hours we’ve seen in a while, with less loss of life than usual. It was fun to see how much they enjoyed their getaway from the corrupt cops in Eden, and how impressive their response was, forcing them to apologize to each member of the club and ensuring that their relationship going forward was a positive one. Jax’s rallying speech was powerful, and it was good to see such accord around the table, even from Bobby, who seemed like he was off on another planet but appears to be content in his current state. I’m relieved to see that Roosevelt is keeping D.A. Patterson apprised of his suspicions about Toric and his role in framing Nero, and though she seems intent on getting Nero into jail despite his innocence, at least she’s pursuing the truth as it relates to Toric and his murder of Nero’s girl. This show doesn’t skimp on any character, no matter how minor, and Patterson changing her hair was a terrific bit of extra personality that helped throw Tara for a loop. I’m hopeful that Tara’s fate won’t be miserable, whether it means her going to jail or ratting Jax out, and that things don’t end violently for the Teller children. It was a wonderful surprise to see Walton Goggins back as Venus Van Dam, and to give her a great scene with Gemma at her most honest and sympathetic.

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