Friday, November 22, 2013

Round Two: Almost Human

Almost Human: Season 1, Episode 2 “Skin” (B+)

I’m pleased to see that episode two of this show lived up to the high expectations set by hour one of this show, and I’m confident that this will continue to be a compelling and enthralling show. While there are some parts of Dorian’s makeup that just don’t track for him as a robotic being, it’s made up for by the fact that he and Kennex have such a great chemistry. The fact that Dorian created a dating profile from his new partner is quite amusing, and I like that much of what Dorian does, in contrast to Kennex, is motivated by emotion and the desire to be thoughtful and empathetic. There’s also a marvelous simplicity to Dorian, who asked Kennex how people deal with death and then used the same tactic he suggested when dealing with the deactivation of another android being, one far less sentient and self-aware than he. Kennex and Dorian make a good pair because they both get looked at strangely because of their histories, and they operate differently both together and apart. The concept of face shields for scanning devices is intriguing, and I think that all of this show’s technology is quite impressive thus far. The similarly-patterned abductions and presence of human DNA on the android’s fingerprints were very interesting, and it seems that this show has a good handle on how make its storylines lively and engaging. I’m hooked for the moment, and eager to see more of this show. I’m hopeful that its ratings will remain relatively consistent and that we’ll see it on the air for a while.

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