Thursday, November 21, 2013

What I’m Watching: Hello Ladies (Season Finale)

Hello Ladies: Season 1, Episode 8 “The Drive” (B+)

I’m still convinced that this show is destined to fade into obscurity and that is the last we’ll see of it, and therefore I’m quite satisfied with a fitting ending such as this. Stuart showing off pictures of his hot date meant that it couldn’t possibly go well, yet, after an evening of dragging his friends around to place after place in search of her, she was actually happy to see him and suggested that they go skinny-dipping together. What I like about this show is that Stuart still wanted to leave his friends to their own devices to get home when he drove off without them, and that, upon finding out that Glen is a real jerk, he didn’t punch him in the face or even leave right away to see Jessica, but instead was inspired later when he saw the mints to go home to comfort Jessica. A non-romantic ending is exactly what this duo needed, and I like that Jessica wanted to watch an Ingmar Bergman film instead of “Con Air,” which ultimately excited Stuart because there was nudity in it. Jessica not getting the role was unfortunate, especially after she rubbed her success in Amelia’s face. Wade cropping his wife out of the picture with their daughter was another melancholy sign of acceptance, and I think it’s fitting since, Kives excluded, this group is meant to be alone, and their friendship is what will drive them forward. Let’s hope that HBO opts to give this very enjoyable series another shot.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Christine Woods as Jessica

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