Sunday, November 3, 2013

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 3, Episode 6 “Mors Praematura” (B+)

Twice in two weeks, we have the awesome and unexpected experience of our two plotlines coming together to form one much greater, undeniably intriguing web. Whatever Root is doing is automatically interesting, and to have Shaw so quickly agree to help her was unexpected but paved the way for this formidable duo to achieve quite a bit in this hour. I love the way that Root interacts with the machine and how she relays the information it tells her to Shaw. After Kirk Acevedo’s Sloan caught on to the fact that Finch was tailing him and started working with him to try to figure out why his foster brother was killed and who did it, the revelation that his brother was not only alive but arriving into the cell next to Root’s was simply fantastic. Reese arriving at the intersection and confusedly watching Shaw drive by as she saw the statue that Root had told her meant to brace for impact was an excellent example of this show’s brilliant choreography, so well put together in a way that makes it infinitely better than a standard procedural like this should be. Recurring characters are everywhere on this show, and it’s great to see Collier back again, even though his character’s bloodthirsty antiestablishment attitude is extremely dangerous and is going to make the lives of our determined agents much more difficult this season. Which side Root is on continues to be fascinating, and it’s hard to know just what Finch has planned for her, and how long it will take her to outwit him.

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