Saturday, November 2, 2013

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy: Season 6, Episode 8 “Los Fantasmas” (B+)

There’s nothing like someone getting run over by a car and killed during a casual meeting in the middle of nowhere to get people a little rattled. It’s been made very clear that no one is immune to a violent death on this show, but when it’s so brutal and horrifying to watch, even when it’s someone we barely even know, it’s pretty difficult to take. It also leads, predictably, to more violence, and that was definitely the case with the father who stabbed himself in the throat when the police came knocking on his door. Patterson letting Nero go but not before leaving him with the haunting truth of what the gun for whose placement he was partially responsible did is likely to unravel things even more than before, though she is just as responsible for that particular death since she implicated Nero in the press to try to box SAMCRO in. I’m glad to see the Charlie is sticking by his new business pals every step of the way rather than trying to undermine Jax or Nero and turn on them for a better deal. Gemma was on to Tara’s plan pretty quickly, but her impressive deduction of the facts didn’t matter at all when Jax shut her out right away. Unsettlingly, it also looks like Wendy wasn’t the one who backed the wrong horse by picking Tara, but rather the other way around. Let’s just hope that, after all is said and done, Tara doesn’t end up going to prison.

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