Sunday, November 17, 2013

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 3, Episode 8 “Endgame” (B+)

It’s about time Carter figured out who was in charge of HR and started to do something about it, but the way she’s choosing to deal with it is awfully reckless, and, as Reese noted, there’s going to be a lot of collateral damage. I love that Carter can use Elias to help her send a message, and pitting the Russians and HR against each other was a brilliant idea. Keeping Finch and Reese in the dark may not have been as smart a plan, and Finch definitely seemed concerned about getting 38 numbers all at once, most of whom were members of HR. Carter walking in to the judge’s home only to find Quinn and Simmons waiting for her was worrisome, but, fortunately, she opted to turn to her friends for help at just the right moment. Shaw supplying her with Reese’s guns was helpful, and it’s a shame that she didn’t choose to trust Fusco even though he’s been nothing but loyal, even more impressive considering his history with HR. Blasting pictures of our friends shooting at a cop car is going to have very negative implications for our team in coming episodes, but something tells me they’ll manage to survive, especially if Finch allows Root to use her distinctive talents to help. Learning about Carter’s child and his father was helpful in illustrating the person she used to be and the person she has become, a much more developed character than was originally the case when this show started.

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