Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What I’m Watching: Elementary

Elementary: Season 2, Episode 11 “Internal Audit” (B+)

After last week’s unconventional episode which told its story in a flashback-oriented fashion, it was good to see an episode that was much more straightforward. This hour was extremely introspective, allowing Sherlock for once to examine his behavior and to think about how his actions affect other people. We haven’t seen Alfredo in a while, and, as was the case with his first appearance, it’s great to see that Watson really did find Sherlock the perfect sponsor, someone who doesn’t want to put up with his attitude, and instead is willing to tell him exactly how it is. Training him on how to break the alarm is helpful, but giving him a stern talking-to about how he should really start being a sponsor was just as productive. Sherlock is going to make one hell of sponsor, but it seems that Randy is ready for it. It was intriguing to see Watson deal with things on a personal level in this episode too, running into an old client at the scene of a murder and contemplating the ethics of whether to include her in the investigation or not since it would expose her past. I’m glad to see that Sherlock didn’t make the same mistake twice in a row. The subject matter of Holocaust reparations was a strange and delicate one for this show, but I think it worked alright. Bell’s new job offer is actually a pretty good deal, but I worry it’s going to have only adverse affects on his outlook on the future.

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