Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What I’m Watching: Homeland (Season Finale)

Homeland: Season 3, Episode 12 “The Star” (B+)

There’s certainly much to talk about regarding this finale, and I think it’s helpful to look at this episode from a larger perspective pertaining to the series as a whole. Brody was never a good guy from the start, and while he demonstrate some sympathetic qualities along the way, the bad things he did always outweighed whatever positive actions he took to atone for them. He also gave up Javadi in the moment before completing his mission, something that was not necessary since he was already alone with him and could have just taken him out right then and there. Talking with Carrie about having a family together was an impossible dream, and the speed with which his execution was decreed and carried out made its permanence difficult to accept. Carrie coming to see it while Brody gracefully accepted his fate was immensely emotional, and Saul’s reaction back home, while more personally detached, was almost as impactful. Flashing forward to find that Javadi was serving as a proper moderate leader for Iran was some comfort, and it looks like both Saul and Carrie are happier in their new roles. Where things go from here, I’m not sure, but I will say that this productive, if devastating, resolution to this season doesn’t justify everything that led up to it. Let’s go for much action and less setting up of the plot next season, and maybe a few new characters and a focus on something other than Brody or Javadi (and without too much Lockhart) can be helpful.

Season grade: B-
Season MVP: Mandy Patinkin as Saul

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