Sunday, December 8, 2013

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 5, Episode 9 “The Big Game” (B+)

This was a perfectly enjoyable episode, not too remarkable but fun enough. As usual, this was one of those times where the entire extended family gathered together for an event, and it was how they each got there that made up the meat of the event. Phil getting locked out of the house he was about to sell was probably the strongest plotline, since Burrell is always more than up for some committed physical comedy. Claire making a big deal about special treatment from her father only to find herself locked inside a closet unaware that Jay was watching the whole thing on camera was funny, mainly because of how the two reacted to the situation. Cam being superstitious about the game was hardly a surprise, and facing off against a team whose coach had died the night before on the day that happened to be his birthday threw a wrench into that. While his desire to win for his own merit wasn’t a shock, I did enjoy the fact that Manny tried to miss the final goal but accidentally scored rather than the other way around. Gloria inspiring Lily to be too aggressive with the boys in her life was unfortunate, and not the best use of either character. Mitchell struggling to tell his boss that he was leaving was amusing, and I like that he recommended Phil as a realtor Charlie, which suddenly turned Phil’s luck around and put him in on top. The most unexpectedly enjoyable plotline was Haley’s, which featured a reappearance of future nurse Dylan, a refreshingly smart decision on Haley’s part, and a rare act of charitable kindness towards her sister.

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