Sunday, December 8, 2013

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy: Season 6, Episode 12 “You Are My Sunshine” (A-)

This episode’s title is extraordinarily fitting since the show’s use of the song was incredibly effective in its final scene, transitioning from Tara’s awkward singing of it to an overpowering track that underscored the devastation Jax felt upon returning home to find that his sons were gone. This has happened before to Jax, though back in season two Tara was a loyal supporter of his who had to witness the murder of a club member and be left tied up for Jax to find when he arrived. It’s almost worse that Tara didn’t end up taking the deal that Patterson had prepared for her, since now she doesn’t have anywhere to turn, and Patterson’s prediction about her being hunted down and killed by the club might come true. The bloodshed on this show never seems to cease, although we may finally have reached a peaceful point if Connor and Marks can outdo their predecessors and coexist together. It’s good to see that the club is loyal to their own, and that Happy didn’t have be the latest member to die in this extended bloodbath. It seems like so long ago that Juice committed the first of his two kills this season, but Nero finding after Juice’s near suicide is still just as miserable. Watching him struggle with whether to ream Jax out for lying to him but decide instead to comfort him was magnificent, and it makes the very lengthy finale of this show in just a few days even more enticing.

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