Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What I’m Watching: Banshee

Banshee: Season 2, Episode 3 “The Warrior Class” (B+)

This episode was all about the clash of cultures in Banshee, and it’s staggering just how many players there are. Kai stepping in to use one of the Indians’ baseball bats to productive use to protect his Pennsylvania Dutch family from the wrath of the Indians was a particularly explosive moment, and one that demonstrated how many layers there are to this town’s history. Rebecca can’t seem to escape her heritage, as her brother was the one missing whose Indian girlfriend was killed, and Nola also has a connection to the girl, linking those two strong-willed women again. This was the second time recently that we’ve seen the Banshee sheriff’s department march in somewhere they weren’t wanted, guns waving and meeting quite a lot of resistance. Fortunately, no one got shot or killed this time, and the man they were trying to rescue the last time was the one leading them in. If there’s one thing you can say about Lucas (and there are plenty), it’s that he’s fearless, and always up for a good fight. Taking on a man much bigger and stronger than him was bold, and he managed to choke him out and subdue him enough for them to be able to take him in. The arrival of the real Hood’s son wasn’t too well-timed, but Lucas played it completely cool. Sugar also made quite an impression with his knife and his stern talking-to, and let’s hope that the young man who wants a new identity is smart enough not to try to screw the man who’s more than capable of helping him in a big way.

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