Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What I’m Watching: Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey: Season 4, Episode 4 (B+)

It didn’t take long for Bates to find out what happened to Anna, but let’s just be glad that Mrs. Hughes was sensible enough to tell him it was a stranger, not the man that he very much suspects it to be. It would be nice if things could go back to normal now, though I imagine that the trauma endured by Anna and Bates’ overzealous response will make that impossible. It seems like a neverending battle between Mary and Tom and Robert in terms of the proper way to do business, and this latest development suggests that maybe Mary might be able to have the upper hand on occasion. Thomas never misses the opportunity to seize on a new connection to success at Downton, and befriending the talented seamstress that most seem to like is definitely a smart move. Alfred going for his cooking class was exciting, but that dream fizzled out awfully quickly, which is a shame because everyone seemed so thrilled for him, and it would have been good to see the big lug find his true passion. Having him back at Downton won’t be a problem, of course, since he’s plenty humble, but it does mean bad news for the eternal punching bag that is Molesley, who is already down in the dumps and had to go beneath himself to accept a job that now isn’t even available. Violet hiring Isobel’s recommendation was an amusing storyline, and it’s always great to see those two esteemed ladies interact.

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