Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 5, Episode 11 “Goliath and David” (B+)

In the continuing saga of Will and Alicia squaring off on pretty much every case, it’s good to see that this show is still keeping things interesting. Will interrupting with objections because he knows that it flusters Alicia was rude, and responding by dressing in the outfit that she wore when they first had sex was a brilliant ploy. Saying she used to have lower standards when he said it was low was equally triumphant on her part. Telling him not to let his ego get the best of him was an actual sincere moment, and that his reply earned him a public scolding from his co-counsel was a sign that he really has gone off the edge. Diane talking to him and resigning herself to his opinion was an unfortunate development, but hopefully that will help wake him up to the fact that he’s out of control. The case involving Matthew Lillard’s dimwitted Rowby was rather entertaining all on its own. Marilyn has slowly evolved from a peculiar presence to a major disruption, though Eli having Kalinda look into her was a true red herring for a much more devastating reveal. Kalinda being pursued by Jenna in the middle of her investigation was intriguing, and it showed an unusual occasion where Kalinda was the one being played. Marilyn introducing Eli to none other than Peter Bogdanovich was a hilarious moment completely overshadowed by what came before it: Eli watching video evidence of Peter’s team being caught red-handed moving ballot boxes. That’s going to be quite a mess to clean up.

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