Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What I’m Watching: Almost Human

Almost Human: Season 1, Episode 7 “Simon Says” (C)

I’m becoming increasingly disenchanted with this show. Initially, it was all about using its futuristic landscape to its advantage, and now it’s imploding in a bad way. That a flare would be able to cause such disruption to force certain robotic companions to be able to charge less is miserable, and that said androids would be left to their own devices to decide whether or not they were fully charged is completely ridiculous. Seeing Dorian in a more relaxed mode was decently entertaining, but hardly worth the jokes that came with it. Watching him scale a wall as his charge level was draining each moment only to have him manage to execute a perfectly-calculated electrocution before fully powering off was excessively dramatic, and that was the whole nature of this episode, as the first attempt to save Alessandro Juliani’s banker failed, the flower girl was saved with seconds to spare, and Kennex cut his wires moments before he would have been killed. I’m never a fan of a delusional villain, and this guy seemed to be awfully cunning to be able to set up so many cameras in all directions and then be so dependent on the number of people watching his snuff film to boost his ego. Something like “Darknet,” an online community that looks no different than a chat room from a decade ago, is an example of the kind of plotting that’s not worthy of this series. This show has only six episodes to go, and I’d love to see it shape up during that run.

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