Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What I’m Watching: Justified

Justified: Season 5, Episode 1 “A Murder of Crowes” (A-)

I love this show. I wasn’t as enthralled with season four as I was with all the other years, but I’m delighted to report that this show is going back to what it does best: portraying a truly vile extended family with a fascinating mix of abundantly dumb personalities and cunning characters within it. The guest stars in this episode alone are fantastic, and I’m sad to see that two recognizable TV faces – Jason Gray-Stanford from “Monk” and Amaury Nalasco from “Prison Break” – are gone so soon after making a serious mistake at the hand of Gray-Stanford’s character’s own brother. Michael Rappaport isn’t always terrific, but this appears to be a good role for him, and I’m very impressed with Alicia Witt as his sister, the intelligent lawyer who devised an escape plan under pressure and made it out alive. Dewey Crowe is such a great, unique character, and I love that his family is going to be coming to town now that Florida has little to offer them. The two most unexpectedly productive pieces of casting were comic actors in dramatic roles: Dave Foley in a bit part as the ranking Canadian, and, most surprising of all, David Koechner of “The Office” as Raylan’s best partner since Constable Bob, in sync with Raylan when it comes to taking down an armed suspect with his gun drawn. All the Crowe action was paired well with a few unexpectedly violent interactions experienced by Boyd. Sammy getting shot so suddenly in front of Wynn and Boyd triggered a serious power play on Boyd’s part, acting fast to save himself and turn the situation to his advantage. Bludgeoning Lee to death after he insulted Ava was a sign that he isn’t going anywhere. Raylan quietly Skyping with Winona and their baby in the station at night was a deceptively calm moment sure to underscore a terrific and thrilling season.

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