Sunday, January 19, 2014

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 3, Episode 12 “Basketsball” (B)

This episode had its moments, but I wasn’t particularly taken with any of its threads. I don’t quite understand why Coach is still around, and the fact that it took so much effort on Jess’ part to get him to notice her as a person is indicative of the fact that he just doesn’t fit into this show all that well. Sure, Winston sticks out like a sore thumb and barely ever gets to have any original thoughts of his own – a plotline in itself – but he’s not an overbearing presence. What Coach’s prickly nature and love of the game did do was provoke a sex standoff between Jess and Nick, which was mostly dorky and weird, but ended in a wonderfully sentimental scene where they had each donned the jerseys of their opponent teams in order to make the other happy. It was fun to see Bob Gunton, famous for his role as the warden in “Shawshank Redemption” and more recently seen as Evan’s steely father-in-law on “Royal Pains,” in an unusual part as the older man hired to replace a fired 45-year-old in Schmidt’s office who tried to steal his idea and then got himself knocked out of the game when Schmidt pulled out some good old (new) technology. Schmidt’s work life is wholly ridiculous, and it is entertaining to see a snapshot of it every now and then. I’d like to see more of Cece than just at the bar, and for this show to head in some great new directions.

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