Monday, January 20, 2014

What I’m Watching: Justified

Justified: Season 5, Episode 2 “The Kids Aren’t All Right” (B+)

I’m continually astounded by this show’s ability to attract talented guest stars. What’s most impressive about this hour is that it only references any of last week’s plotlines in its final five minutes, when Michael Rappaport’s Daryl showed up to throw a serious wrench in his cousin Dewey’s newfound livelihood. Instead, this episode brought back one of the show’s best characters, Kaitlyn Dever’s Loretta, whose boyfriend got in with some bad guys. Steve Harris from “The Practice” had a superb and unexpected guest spot as one of two henchmen who didn’t want to be cops because they would have to fill out paperwork. Loretta also brought along the fabulous character of Amy Smart’s social worker, who was flirting out of control with Raylan before they quickly got together but seems to have more than a few tricks up her sleeve. It was great to see Xander Berkeley, from “24” and “Nikita,” as the obnoxious racist rich arrestee connected to Detroit whose car and home were repossessed by one Raylan Givens. I loved Raylan’s exchange with a top criminal, which included “Would you prefer I respond point by point or wait until the end” and “Just because I knew your daddy, don’t think I won’t have you killed right now.” Raylan has always existed in this odd in-between that straddles the world of cop and criminal, and it’s just as terrific now as it’s always been. Boyd has managed to stay out of jail after his latest infraction with the law, but he’s done a good job pissing some people off and is sure to feel the effects in coming episodes.

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