Monday, April 28, 2014

What I’m Watching: Elementary

Elementary: Season 2, Episode 21 “The Man with the Twisted Lip” (B+)

Mycroft’s appearances on this show never seem to end well, and even if they did bring about some intriguing conversation and reflection, they’ve unseated dynamics and events in a major and concerning way. Mycroft propositioning Watson is threatening enough, but more important is the fact that she shared with him that she is seeking to move out of Sherlock’s place and get her own. While that was in theory an inevitability, it’s still jarring to think about since it would mean that Sherlock would have the whole place to himself and wouldn’t have the very necessary presence of his foil to constantly keep him on his toes and off his vices. Mycroft pointing out that Sherlock should appreciate Watson for more than just her intellectual prowess was legitimate, and Watson was fair to point out that his apology to her, as usual, came too late. We do know that Mycroft is up to something more sinister, and anytime that Henri Lubatti of “24” and “Sleeper Cell” fame is around, something has to be up. Watson getting abducted at the end of the episode was a bit of a shock since this show never tends to truly put its characters in danger, and especially not with three episodes left in the season since this might be understandable fodder to lead into a season finale. No matter what’s next, I’m sure it’s going to intensify and pit Sherlock against his greatest and most personal nemesis since the devious woman with whom he faced off in the first season finale.

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