Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What I’m Watching: Game of Thrones (Season Premiere)

Game of Thrones: Season 4, Episode 1 “Two Swords” (B+)

I’ll admit that, unlike other shows that I watch, I had forgotten all about how much I like this show in the time that it has been off the air. But there is something incomparable about it that is easily recalled by the theme music alone, and this introductory installment, while it only touched upon some plotlines involving some of the more appealing characters, it set up what is sure to be an exciting and bloody season. There’s something strange about seeing Jaime with a neat haircut no longer having to fend for himself, and a polite and polished Brienne is just as startling a vision. It’s understandable that Sansa would be devastated by the vicious murder of her family, and it was nice to see Tyrion try to comfort her, even if she didn’t take it too well. Cersei, Tywin, and Joffrey are all doing their best to ensure that the Lannisters remain a hated breed, alienating the few true friends they have who might support them if the tides turned a different way. Jon has been saved from execution and might even help save his people, while Arya got to try her hand at being personally involved in revenge as she and the Hound got a handful of chickens and a horse each. Daenerys’ march continues to be slow, and I look forward to the day when she comes face-to-face with someone else from this show since her plotline has been fully separate for so long now. I’m sure that won’t happen soon, but eventually it has to!

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