Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What I’m Watching: Shameless (Season Finale)

Shameless: Season 4, Episode 12 “Lazarus” (B+)

After a season of drama, who knew that most of our characters could get happy endings, at least for the moment? Fiona being released from jail early due to overcrowding was a wonderful development, and it was great to see her parole officer give her a chance and acknowledge that maybe she wasn’t a completely terrible person. Debbie and Carl’s reaction to Fiona coming home was especially sweet, and things are finally looking up for the elder sister. Ian, on the other hand, seems destined for less fortune, and hopefully Mickey’s eternal loyalty to him will include at least looking at hospitalization options so that his apparent bipolar disorder doesn’t go untreated. Lip running into Mandy at the diner after his evening with Amanda was a reminder that he wasn’t in the social place that he was supposed to be, but, after everything, he seems to have developed a decent relationship with his roommate’s girlfriend. It’s a shame that Debbie and Carl haven’t found their perfect romances reciprocated, but they’re still young and have time to find others. Sammi and Sheila going to war over Frank’s affection was entertaining, and it’s good to know that they have each other while their father slash husband occasionally treats them like they don’t exist. Frank had a bizarre but fitting triumphant moment with Carl at the end of the episode, once again announcing to the universe that he isn’t going anywhere. Jimmy’s return is sure to shake things up, though hopefully it won’t completely ruin the fragile balance that Fiona is close to achieving. This season was definitely strong, and I look forward to season five next year!

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Emily Bergl as Sammi

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