Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What I’m Watching: House of Cards

House of Cards: Season 2, Episode 10 “Chapter 23” (B+)

Things are getting serious on this show, and the final three episodes of this season are sure to be turbulent at best. Frank and Claire didn’t seem too shaken up by the idea of a bomb being planted on their doorstep, though Claire was clearly devastated that it was meant for her because of her very public stance on abuse in the military. Jackie is taking extreme steps to show that she won’t fall in line, first disappointing Claire and then incurring Frank’s wrath, which is never a good thing. Her actions also prompted Frank to reveal Remy’s ulterior motives, which are sure to negatively impact their already dark and secretive romance. Walker was understandably angry at Frank for keeping him in the dark when everything about Tusk came to light, but Frank seems to have talked his way out of another disagreement quite smoothly. Doug’s treatment of Seth is rather demeaning, and Frank’s loss of confidence in his former go-to number two is going to impact Doug’s self-esteem greatly, which might make him more dependent on Rachel rather than the other way around. I’m relieved to see that the current reporting on Tusk is being handled in a much smarter and better-supported fashion than any of Zoe and Lucas’ previous coverage was. Frank and Claire’s relationship is endlessly fascinating, as Frank cheerfully told Claire about Meechum walking in on him watching porn and subsequently asked Claire if she missed being with Adam. Most intriguingly, Gavin returned at the end of the episode in hot cyber-pursuit of Doug, which makes me and many other viewers, I’m sure, very curious about what happens next.

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